Words have power and if we choose the right ones, they can give us strength. That's why I want to share with you some phrases that have inspired me and given me courage in difficult moments and why they did it.

  1. Between the stimulus and the responses [results] there is a space and in that space lies your power and freedom. Viktor Frankl. - When Viktor speaks of space, he is referring to the pauses we must take to gain strength going forward. When the world tells you not to stop, rather do it. Have space to rest as a super power to achieve whatever it is you desire.
  2. We do not dare to do things because they are difficult; rather we make them difficult by not daring. Seneca. - In my experience as an entrepreneur I can guarantee you that things happen only when we take action even with fear, even with risks.
  3. Enjoy life, this is not a rehearsal. I learned this lesson when I lost a great friend with whom the last years of his life we promised to see each other soon and "soon" never came. I lost him in a traffic accident. Learn to live your life and add more and more valuable experiences to it, as well as to show love to your loved ones.
  4. When your purpose is bigger than yourself, it will give you courage you never thought you had. There are countless times when things go wrong and it is easy to think that the difficulties will never end, but that is not true. I ask you to consider your life purpose and make it so big that it will inspire you and give you confidence. This will help you see things in perspective and more easily visualize the opportunities in every challenge.
  5. Nothing unexpected and wonderful will happen to you, if you have your trip to Paris filled with visits to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. Antony Bourdain. This sums up my perspective on travel and life: make room for spontaneity and surprises. Life is boring and gets more uphill without it.
  6. And I share this one in English for its etymology: "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!". Audrey Hepburn. I am the one who makes things possible even in times of stress, uncertainty or fatigue.

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