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Create what you imagine
Bondito Stationery Studio
About The Full Planner
Behind the full planner
We exist for you to do more of
what you love and what excites you.
It all started when in 2017, Maria our Founder, dreamed of leaving the corporate life to create something meaningful that would impact her own life and the lives of those she reached.

Being a lover of agendas, among many ideas resonated to make one that more than that, was a system to support us to fulfill our dreams. Thus, The Full Planner became a tool to assist us in finding more and more spaces with the intention of doing what we love and what excites us.

Since then we have gone from selling hundreds of units to thousands, from being in our beloved Costa Rica to also opening operations in Mexico. We went from being a one-person venture to being a team of people that while having fun, commits with audacity and enthusiasm to create more purposeful inputs that allow you to create what you imagine and dream.
Our Vision
To build a community where people know that they can trust our methodology to achieve their dreams and thus, have a fuller life positively impacting their environment.
"My mission in life is to value my life and the lives of others now and The Full Planner emerges as a support tool to achieve this."
With more than 13 years managing projects around the world, in environments as challenging as Nigeria or ideal as Sweden, I realized that the key to achieving goals is based on the clarity of them and how we follow up on them daily; however, I could not find something that united, like life itself, everything in one place: the professional and the personal.

That is why in recent years I invented with notebooks and Excel tables, my own mechanisms to try to create my goals and follow up on what motivates and moves me. So, in 2017 I designed The Full Planner where I captured everything that has worked for me to create a life with greater purpose and intention.

With The Full Planner I not only hope you have a good year, I want you to have the best year of your life so far.

With love,
Meet our team of Dreamers
Behind The Full Planner
Founder and creator of tfp
Obsessed with doing only what excites her. Minimalist wannabe and in love with stationery.
Administrator Bondito Studio
Lover of dachshunds and dulce de leche. Professional" foosball player. Oddball who doesn't drink coffee or eat anything with chocolate.
Creative Director
Creative director and content creator, Sagittarius 100% obsessed with coffee, gossip and impromptu trips.
Content & Community Manager
I am the art attack of the team. I love fresh strawberry milk and I'm a picky eater. Free and happy soul.
Special projects
Niece of the founder, might never get out, sorry not sorry.
Co-founder of The Full planner
Model, fan of croquettes and in charge of background music at team meetings.
IT & Web developer
Our programming fairy godmother. She travels the world with her faithful friend Nougat.
Team joy
Mind - Body - Business- Triathlete by hobby, entrepreneur by passion and sales and marketing strategy by nature.
Order Desk
Faithful believer of "Pura Vida", good vibes and "love and peace". I am passionate about knitting and love to make new friends.
We are in
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