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Order status

Order Status

To view the status of your order, please allow 48 hours after the completion of your order:

  • If your order was shipped by Moovin access this link with the tracking number sent to your email with delivery details.

  • If your order was sent by Correos de Costa Rica access this link with the tracking number sent to your email with the delivery details.

  • If your order was shipped by DHL access this link with the tracking number sent to your email with the delivery details.

  • If you selected the "Pick up in store" option, you will be able to pick up your order in our Bondito store within two hours of placing your order, always respecting the store hours. You will be able to pick it up with your order number and ID (Store hours: M-F from 10:30 - 18:30, M-F from 10:00 - 18:00, S-S-Sun from 10:00 - 18:00).

If after 48 hours you have not received news of your order, you can write to:

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