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Dreaming of my inner child

I'm sure that when a child tells you about his or her dreams of being a veterinarian or firefighter, your response is never "I don't think you'll make it" or "Have you thought about another profession?" On the contrary, we are usually curious about that dream. Some normal questions to ask are: Why does it appeal to him or her? Has the child seen that profession in a movie? How much does he or she know about it?

The tendency is that in many occasions we are more skeptical and less curious with our own dreams in our adulthood, as well as we are with the dreams of others. When we grow up dreams are not perceived with the same tenderness and illusion as in our childhood, on the contrary they are seen as impossible, sometimes as longings or simply no longer have the importance they had as when we were children. What if I told you the opposite, that we should give continuity and rein to those dreams because it is your inner child talking?

I want you to do the following exercise, the next time you are dreaming of accomplishing some activity or goal:

  1. Become aware of this dream, because it most likely responds to the desires of your inner child.
  2. Be grateful for the evolution of your mind, heart and even your body to work on this dream.
  3. Plan and analyze next steps, resources to accomplish the proposed.
  4. Take action, for you have the privilege of listening to your inner child.

Keep in mind that the secret of many dreams come true (ventures, businesses, hobbies) began by listening to that little one, learn to do it, pay attention to him, in what moments he speaks more and his creativity is activated; we are sure that ideas that you do not imagine that you have very internalized arise in this process of awareness.

It's not too late to listen to your inner child! My mantra for the week is "I am ready and attentive to listen to my inner child, she needs me as much as I need her".

With love,
María Ibarra
Founder The Full Planner

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